Why IPFS and where to start?

In a nutshell:
IPFS enables us to use internet as a decentralized platform to access websites, webservices and shared files. Its scalability helps us to build a fast and reliable way to interact with each others independently.
If you are new to IPFS, check out the official website or the resources provided by chixodo. This way you will get familiar with content identifiers, peers, etc. and master IFPS soon!

IPFS Gateway

Use our IPFS Gateway:

IPFS Peers

You can add our Peers using command (recommended):

ipfs swarm connect /dnsaddr/chixodo.xyz

or by connecting manually to the prefered adress and protocol or direcly editing your ipfs-config using following DNSAddr:
DNSAddr of our Peers: (click to open)




Use our pinning service:
